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weirdass dream

ok so it was a 20 minutes quick nap and  i dreamed about myself, waking up in my not usual room (but in this universe it was my home) i open up my laptop but then the laptop was broken so i cant open it. fine. so i was going to turn on the lamp and i  c a n ' t. i i cant turn it on! it was noon i believe, but its dark there, like dim dark not pitch black or so, there are 2 beds in my room with full of stuff - why? idk) so i asked my mom why the lamp wont be on and she said we cant do that. oh and i remember i am trying so hard to wake up because i did realize it was a dream. so i tell my mom about it and my mom just like, i dont know. im so desperate to turn the lamp on because i well i i want to fix my broken laptop. i didnt give a damn whether it was dream or reality, i dont want my laptop broke so i want to fix it. the parts are there somewhere in the room but fuck its dark. worse dream ever because i hate darkness. and then i woke up in another dream, my room, lamps are on, hm i i wond where my family is but then i woke up (((in real lyfe))).



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